EnRiCo, our Mobile Office
Both Elmar and I have worked for more than three decades for companies of various sizes and for the past 15 years for our own enterprises as well. Being an entrepreneur comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. 15 years of experience has taught us that for sure!
We need to travel to meet clients, test our software or promote our consultancy services. Work never seems to stop as clients in different time zones reach out for advise or new opportunities present themselves.Therefore it is important to have evrything we need to work with us including our office. Trying to pack for every eventuality and carrying everything with us proved to be a complex and often inefficient process. It seemed to make more sense to have an office we could work in whether we were travelling or not. We wanted the office to be mobile, energy independent and efficient.
The result of a lot of creative thinking and planning is EnRiCo, our mobile office based on a Swiss military transport vehicle. We now work 350 days a year! So why is this better?! Well, because not having to pack and unpack ouroffice, check in and out of hotels and worry about forgetting to take important devices along reduces stress and improves creativity. Additionally it is an more environmentally friendly way of working as we generate our own electricity using solar panels and store the excess generated in batteries for use at times when the sun is less prevalent. When work is over for the day we can leave our office and explore the beautiful surroundings which provides a good work-life balance.
For more information on our work please visit our website h2consulting.ch